Monday, July 25, 2011

My trip to Georgia!

This week I went to Georgia with my aunt and cousins (seen in a previous post! -- Taylor and Josie) to visit our family! Only 2 of our 7 days there were sunny, but we made the best of it and enjoyed our time with family!! 

HARRY POTTER 7.5 midnight premiere! (Malfoy, Hedwig, Harry)!

And finally, the CUTEST baby ever, my little cousin Thomas. <3 I miss that smiling face! 

The trip was so much fun and I wish I could visit more often! 

Enjoy your night! Thanks for your love and support! 

The beautiful Mill City ruins!

Finally catching up on my blogs! Last week I took pictures of Taylor, who I have known since she was a baby, and is now a SENIOR! We went to the Mill City ruins and had a blast! There were so many incredible pictures to choose from, but here are some of my favorites! 

Thanks for stopping by! 